Royal Seed

(votes: 9)

Kenya Highland Seed (KHS) was established in 1998 and has been supplying Top Quality Open Pollinated and Hybrid seeds to the farming community since 2000. We have an extensive portfolio of established hybrids under our brand 'Royal Seed' , including Tomatoes, Cabbages, Onions, Peppers, Carrots, Watermelons and and sell a wide range of large and small vegetable seeds with particular focus on high yielding hybrids.

Below are the main factors leading to our Company growth:

  1. Improved Hybrid Seed
  2. Focus on working with small scale growers
  3. Penetration of improved exporter grower products and varieties

Vision: To be the leading supplier of quality seeds for Africa

Mission: At Kenya Highland Seed we make it our business to understand growing conditions and farmer's needs, to better provide high quality vegetable seeds well adapted for Africa.

Products: 124 of 68
Products: 124 of 68